
Vendy uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Generally codes represent the following:

  • Codes in the 2xx range indicate success
  • Codes in the 4xx range indicate a failure given the information provided
  • Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with the Vendy servers (very uncommon)

In the occurrence of 4xx response code, Vendy will provide a JSON error code message that briefly explains the error.

List of error messages

ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND201Account not found
ACCOUNT_NOT_ACTIVATED202Account not activated. Check your email to activate it!
INVALID_DATA204Data is invalid
ACCOUNT_EXISTS205Account already exists
NOT_CREATED206Data not created
NOT_FOUND207Data not found
NOT_UPDATED208Data not updated
ACCOUNT_BLOCKED209Account blocked
LOGIN_FAILED210Login failed
OLD_PASSWORD212New password cannot be same old password
PASSWORD_UPDATED213Password not updated
WALLET_NOT_SUPPORTED217Wallet not supported
WEBHOOK_NOT_SUPPORTED218Webhook not supported
WALLET_NOT_CREATED219Wallet not created
WALLET_NOT_IMPORTED220Wallet not imported
WALLETS_NOT_FOUND221Wallet not found
WALLET_ADDRESS_NOT_CREATED222Wallet address not created
TRANSACTION_NOT_BE_CREATED223Transaction not be created
ACTIVATION_CODE_INVALID224otp is invalid or expired
UNAUTHORIZED229User not logged in
ACCOUNT_NOT_RESET232Password could not be reset
EXPIRED_CODE234Password reset link expired. Please reset password again or contact support
INVITE_CODE_INVALID235Invite code is invalid
BALANCE_NOT_RETRIEVED244Balance not retrieved
LOGOUT_FAILED247Logout failed
INVALID_RESET_CODE248Invalid reset code sent
PUSH_TOKEN_EXISTS250Push token already exists
PUSH_NOT_STORED251Push token not stored
BALANCE_INSUFFICIENT252Your balance is insufficient
ONLY_ACCOUNT_IP253An account has already been created using this IP address
METRIC_FAILED259Metric could not be loaded
USER_NOT_FOUND265User not found
RESET_CODE_NOT_FOUND272Reset code was not found
USER_NOT_DELETED273User account could not be deleted
FAILED_GLOBAL_SETTING274GlobalSetting setting could not be created
UPDATED_GLOBAL_SETTING275GlobalSetting setting could not be updated
NO_GLOBAL_SETTING276GlobalSetting settings could not be retrieved
IP_NOT_BLOCKED277Ip could not be blocked
IP_BLOCKED278IP has been blocked
IP_NOT_UNBLOCKED278IP could not be unblocked
BANK_ACCOUNT_EXISTS290You already have this bank account" };
BANK_ACCOUNT_REMOVED291Bank cannot be removed
BANK_NOT_DEFAULT292Bank could not be made default
TRANSACTION_AMOUNT_INVALID293Transaction amount does not match payment amount
INVALID_SECURITY_ANS294The security question you provided is incorrect
INVALID_ANSWER295Answer is invalid
PAYMENT_NOT_PROCESSED297Payment could not be processed right now. Please try again later
TRANSACTION_NO_PENDING298No pending transaction found
TRANSACTION_STILL_PENDING305Transaction still processing. Please wait...
TRANSACTION_NOT_PROCESSED306Transaction failed. Please try again later
KYC_NOT_VERIFIED310You account has not been verified. Please complete KYC or contact support
BALANCE_NOT_UPDATED318Balance not updated
BUSINESS_NOT_CREATED324Business not created
BUSINESS_NOT_ACTIVE325Business not active
BUSINESS_NOT_FOUND326Business not found
BUSINESS_NOT_DELETED326Business not deleted
TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND327Transaction not found
BANK_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND327Bank information not resolved
PAYOUT_NOT_CREATED328Payout not created
PAYOUT_NOT_FOUND329Payout not found
PAYOUT_ALREADY_PROCESSED330Payout already processed
PAYOUT_NOT_UPDATED331Payout not created
CHANNELS_NOT_FOUND332Channels not found
BUSINESS_NOT_UPDATED333Business status not pending and cannot be updated
WALLET_MULTIPLE_CURRENCY334You cannot have multiple wallets with the same currency
WALLET_MULTIPLE_TYPE334You cannot have multiple wallets of the same type
WALLET_NOT_FUNDED335Wallet could not be funded
WALLET_NOT_DEBITED335Wallet could not be debited
WALLET_BLOCKED336Your wallet has been blocked, withdrawals are not allowed
PUBLIC_KEY_INVALID337invalid public key, please check key or contact administrator
TRANSACTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED338Amount exceeds transaction limit of {limit}
TRANSACTION_NOT_REVERSED339Transaction cannot be reversed
TRANSACTION_NOT_COMPLETED_REVERSED340Only successful transactions can be reversed
TOKEN_NOT_GENERATED341Token was not generated. Please try again later