Payment Via Vendy Wallet

A customer can choose to retain a secure wallet with Vendy from which to make payment during checkout; this wallet when created is accessible on all the checkout channels. The customer first funds the wallet and then makes payments from the wallet. It is a very quick way to complete the payment if sufficiently funded.

Steps to create a Vendy Wallet

  1. Customer gets the push on either checkout channel and selects "Create Vendy wallet"
  2. Enter details for wallet creation: Full name and a Vendy pin that will be used to verify transactions
  3. Wallet is created and can be used for payments

Steps to fund a Vendy Wallet

  1. Customer gets the push on either checkout channel and selects "Vendy wallet"
  2. Select "Fund Wallet", account details will be sent to transfer funds to
  3. Wallet is funded automatically once transfer is confirmed. In the test environment, the transfer is simulated and after about 10 seconds transfer is confirmed.

Steps to pay via Vendy Wallet

  1. Customer gets the push on either checkout channel and selects "Vendy wallet"
  2. Enter Vendy pin
  3. Verify pin and complete transaction