Endpoint to search through all business transactions on Vendy. This endpoint searches by phone number 'msidn' and reference identifier 'refid'. This endpoint supports two forms for pagination; setting the time period for which transactions should be searched (via 'start' and 'end' query parameters) or number of transactions to be returned (via 'limit' query parameter).


qStringSearch queryTrue
startInteger(milliseconds since epoch)A starting time period to get transactions fromfalse
endInteger(milliseconds since epoch)A ending time period to get transactions fromfalse
limitStringNumber of items to be returned in format (start, end) e.g (0, 100)false

Example request

curl --location 'https://api.vendy.money//transactions/search?q=2348101851915&businessId=1&start=1639467591886&end=1640072391886' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'


statusBooleanStates if request was successfully executed or not
codeIntegerInternal code, success if 200
msgStringA description of the status of the request
dataArray[Transaction]All retrieved transaction details

Example response

  "status": true,
  "code": 200,
  "msg": "Transactions",
  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "uid": 1,
      "businessId": 1,
      "request": "Optional",
      "msisdn": "08101851915",
      "amount": "100.0000",
      "requestamount": "100.0000",
      "refid": "6518564956061343757",
      "vendref": null,
      "debitref": "6518564956061343757",
      "reason": "success",
      "raw_reason": "success",
      "channel": "ussd",
      "page": "pin-page",
      "currency": "NGA",
      "vended": 1,
      "reversed": 0,
      "debited": 1,
      "failed": 0,
      "isreversing": 0,
      "processing": 0,
      "flag": null,
      "created_on": "2021-10-31T21:58:27.000Z",
      "updated_on": "2021-10-31T21:59:27.000Z",
      "reversed_date": null,
      "meta": {
				"fee": 0.5,
      "id": 2,
      "uid": 1,
      "businessId": 1,
      "request": "Optional",
      "msisdn": "08101851915",
      "amount": "100.0000",
      "requestamount": "100.0000",
      "refid": "6518564956061343757",
      "vendref": null,
      "debitref": "6518564956061343757",
      "reason": "success",
      "raw_reason": "success",
      "channel": "ussd",
      "page": "pin-page",
      "currency": "NGA",
      "vended": 1,
      "reversed": 0,
      "debited": 1,
      "failed": 0,
      "isreversing": 0,
      "processing": 0,
      "flag": null,
      "created_on": "2021-10-31T21:58:27.000Z",
      "updated_on": "2021-10-31T21:59:27.000Z",
      "reversed_date": null,
      "meta": {
				"fee": 0.5,
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!